How to get a digital analytics role

How to get a job in digital analytics

Firstly your CV.

Is the opening paragraph good? Does it make me want to read on?

Secondly, is the CV relevant?

I've read thousands of CVs for digital roles and the ones that start with the experience you have as a kid working in McDonald's will get far less attention than the one starting with the relevant experience at the top.

Does it illustrate why you might be a good fit?

The purpose of the cv is only to get you to the interview.

If you have an interview the company is now vetting you as a possible employee.

The hirer will want to know two things.

  1. They will want to judge your character and fit with their team.
  2. Verify the skill set you have.

Then they will probably narrow you down for the next round of interviews or hire you on the spot.

Whether you get the job depends on a lot of factors but by demonstrating the correct attitude you put yourself in the best position possible.

What is the correct attitude?

Being prepared, engaging well and showing your curiosity.

There is no better way to endear yourself to an interviewer than knowing a lot about them, their company and how you see yourself fit there.

Have you done your homework?

Who is the interviewer going to be?

What experience do they have?

Are there any experiences you share?

What has the company done?

Where do you see yourself helping them?

What do you genuinely want to know about the business that only they can tell you?

Do you have a list of questions prepped?

Selling yourself is far easier if the interviewer is answering your smart questions and thinking “I need to sell the vision of our company to you” rather than you selling yourself to them.

If you do the preparation you manage everything that is under your control and give yourself the best possible chance.

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