What it cost me to build an idea
Building Toristy Part 1

My journey into a mixed reality
How I managed to get into the mixed reality software business.

The End Of 2023 And New Beginnings
I don't do predictions because I am always wrong.

Are You Making This Common Mistake When Hiring an Analyst?
Things to watch out for when hiring an analyst

Always remember there's something cleverer than yourself
Said Merlin.

I dropped out of college when I was 18
I was studying business and finance.

How to get a digital analytics role
How to get a job in digital analytics

People don’t want the raw data
The want insights.

How to MONETISE Data
When I started with data I didn't even realise it was data as I know it today.

External data that can improve your conversion rates
External data sources are often overlooked.

How to turn AI spew into you.
AI with a human touch

A Step-By-Step Guide To Scroll Depth Tracking
Have you ever wondered how far down your website visitors scroll?

Implementing GenAI at scale in the enterprise is like teenage sex
Everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it

Ever pondered the art of persuasion? Is it more human heart or machine algorithm?
The truth is not that simple

Meta targeted Advertising has been banned in the EU
Big news and interesting to see how it pans out.

How do you go about getting a career in Digital marketing?
Understand Digital Marketing

If you think that your boss cares about reports or your SQL skills, think again.
It's not about analytics it's about applied analytics

Vision and Culture
In order to have culture you need vision

I've Run Digital Analytics Agencies before
What do you want to know?

Doubts about AI's role in SEO and Marketing?
Here's a thought - it's overhyped, and we're falling for it!

How to turn Old School Data into Insight
How to turn a data puke into something useful

Abandoned shopping carts - a retailer's puzzle or a goldmine?
A big issue with website or app conversion rate is abandoned carts.

What makes a good survey?
This one could be better but is directionally OK.

Aksing Why
What I wish I'd known about data and analytics at 24

How Not To USe Artificial Intelligence
Not for sales. Not for conversion. Just No!

When is good enough, Enough
Most of the time it's good enough.

How do you become a data detective?
Curiosity and tenacity helps

What does Finnish writing, ChatGPT and Star Trek have in common?
They can all either help or hinder you with search engine optimisation.

A Lot Has Been Said About Shiny New AI Toys Taking Analysts Jobs
But I don't think real analysts need to worry

How To Win Friends and Influence People
The 6 principles of persuasion

What do Sales, Leads and Revenues have in common?
Ans: No one is talking about them on Linkedin.

10 tactics that have a BIG EFFECT on Sales or Leads online
Yesterday I alluded to 4 business questions you could ask of your data

4 Example Questions You Can Use Immediately To Find ways to Improve Leads or Sales through your Website or App.
Improving sales or lead generation on a website is difficult.

What if I told you 75% of the things you try would fail?
If one thing above all defines your success it's resilience.

How poor personalised marketing can lose customers for life and how you can reverse it to get new ones.
The customer leads the marketing journey, not the marketer.

Not sure how to generate more sales from your website or app? Try these 20 ideas
20 ideas to improve website conversion rates

Do you need to work with data, but can't figure out where to start?
Seek scarcity in your business

Are You Making This Common Mistake With Data?
Pilots in World War Two had a life expectancy of 4 weeks

No-one is talking about sales on LinkedIn
They wax lyrical about impressions but ask 'em about sales! Pff!

Improve Data Reporting with One Simple Technique
Tell the story behind why something happened not the dry numbers

How to turn data into life-changing value
Do you want to know 3 ways data can change your life?

How to go from an analytics nerd to a business rock star
I read a post that got traction about what makes a good analytics specialist.

Success Doesn't Equal Sacrifice
Can you relate to sacrifice? Question asked and answered below.

Macro and Micro Level Goals
There are two things you need to know about goals.

5 Reasons we lost 5-6 cases a month
Learn why we lost 5-6 pitching cases per month

Learn My 5 Step Process to Turn a Problem Into an Opportunity
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.

My Posts Reached One Million People
“To do that with ads you’d need to spend an absolute fortune!!”

Don't Fall For This €2000 LinkedIn Scam
It's unusual to see scams on LinkedIn but I noticed one that was cleverly done.

You Need Three Things To Build A Movement
Culture is always wrong

Zag don't zig - When the world Zigs, you should Zag!
I've forgotten where I first heard that but it is as true today as ever.

The One Thing They Can't Teach You At Univeristy
I absolutely 100% knew everything when I left college at the ripe old age of 19

This post makes me feel uncomfortable
This was my reply to Beatrice Gutknecht on LinkedIn